Tuition Services

Mathematics : Early Years ; KS1 - KS5 (Year 1 - Year 13) ; University Level Modules.

Further Mathematics : AQA Certificate Level 2 (GCSE Equivalent : KS4).

Physics : KS4 - KS5 (Year 10 - Year 13) ; University Level Modules.

Statistics : KS4 - KS5 (Year 10 - Year 13) ; University Level Modules.

Computer Science : KS4 - KS5 (Year 10 - Year 13).

Biophysics : University Level Modules.

Electronic Circuits : A bespoke blend of both theory, coding and practical work. I have developed these sessions myself to give students some hands-on exposure to electronic circuits which would not typically be found in their normal school curriculum. The sessions are designed primarily for students in secondary education (ages 11-16), but could be adapted to students of any age, both younger and older.


Scholarship Interview Preparation : I provide coaching and interview practice for students seeking to be placed at competitive schools.

11+ / 13+ Common Entrance (CE) Assessment Preparation : Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Mathematics, English.

American High School Classes : Algebra I ; Geometry with Algebra ; Algebra II Foundations ; Financial Mathematics ; AP Physics 1 ; AP Calculus AB.


My Academic Achievements